[Shan Bear]Chowitz's Last ED - clumsy love
I can't see it in the Ubuntu, so this way!
Vocal. Shan Bear & Byeolyo.
Mix. Nats.
Help. Sage.
Shan Bear: I want a beer. But there are too many deadlines.
Byul Yoda: Shannam Fool
It's been a long time since I sang it in Japanese!
He's already done it. He's been practicing.
I've got all the guides, but the night before the recording,
"Ah! I want to sing in Japanese!"
I just finished recording it in Japanese!
As always, I'm going to give my soul to my hopeless song.
Mixing - THE King Gadable Recourt-Prit-ElGangs Grand Master Nats, who readily performed the chorus in a beautiful painting, Queen Gadable Recruit-ElGang-Sugang Master Chungmu-Gong NAGU ᅲᅲᅲᅲ
And I'll sing a duet next to you. Queen Gadable RecruitPrettyElGGGGGGM Master Star. ID Byul. Finally, Seiji, who helped us find MR!!! Jumping nalla Ultra Rolling Big Day for everyone!
See Original

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